Handicats aus Argentona


Well-Known Member
Info zu Dirty:

er hatte eine schlimme Erkältung und erholt sich gerade noch, wird aber noch etwas Zeit brauchen um wieder fit zu werden.
Ggf. hat er ein Zuhause in Spanien in Aussicht, steht aber noch nicht fest. Nehme an wegen der Erkältung.


Well-Known Member
*06.2012 Arqueta

Sociable with cats, no seems compatible with dogs

Broken palate and jaw (now healed). Nonreactive pupil due to the head shock she suffered

She needs some surgery on the palate to heal it. One eye is not visual due to the head trauma. Completelly healed. Very sociable and lovely with people

da hatte sie Bungee 2012 noch berühren können

ihr aktuelle Beschreibung

Compatible with kittens and adult cats.

Broken hip when arrived on 24/10/11. Walks ok. Chronic cold.

Quite shy, at the begginig needs a calm place and his own space, so she can decide when interact with human.

She arrives when she was a kitten, so she grew here. She is very shy but tolerates human contact. Likes playing and sleeping in elevated places.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Well-Known Member

Compatible, if dog respects his space. Compatible with kittens and adult cats

Found intoxicated on may 2012, but recovered in 2 days. Chronic gingivitis, but eats well. Antibiotic and or cortisone needed if he would feel bad.

Lovely with kittens and sociable with adult cats.
Saya *11.2011

Compatible with cats, will be able to live with dogs.

Came with a hip dislocation and we made a surgery. Now she is ok and walks perfectly. Needs a quite and calm home in order to recover her confidence on humans.

Quite shy with people, not agressive at all.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
hier Infos aus Argentona zu den oben bereits gezeigten Nasen

GACHAN: he's a 4 years and a half male that arrived to our centre 7 months ago. He's tested and castrated. He arrived with serious stomatitis and we had to take half of his teeth out. Now he's recovering from that in a foster home and he seems to be ok. In a few weeks we are going to take the other half. We are waiting to know if the foster house wants to keep him. He's great with other cats and people.

ROSAS: she's a 7 years and a half female that arrived to our centre 7 months ago with Anaïs, Carolina, Loewe and another one. They were left in our centre's door during de night. She was tested and the result was negative. She was spayed. She is shy but more sociable than the other ones. She's okey with other cats and people.

ANAÏS: she's a 9 years and a half female that arrived to our centre 7 months ago with Rosas, Carolina, Loewe and another one. They were left in our centre's door during de night. She was tested and the result was negative. She was spayed. She is the most unsociable but we are sure that with a good family she can improve a lot! She's ok with other cats.

CAROLINA: she's a 6 years and a half female that arrived to our centre 7 months ago with Anaïs, Rosas, Loewe and another one. They were left in our centre's door during de night. She was tested and the result was negative. She was spayed. She is really shy, and less sociable than Rosas and Loewe. She's okey with other cats.

ohne Bilder da bereits Interessenten:

LOEWE: right now she is in a foster house and we have a family interested about her.

UYUNI: she is in the same situation as Loewe, hopefully we have a family for her!

TRÈBOL: he is in a foster house recovering from a surgery. We are waiting for the foster house to decide if they adopt him.

:( popschi zu Tiza schreiben sie leider nichts mehr und aufgeführt wird sie auch nicht mehr.


Well-Known Member
hier Infos aus Argentona zu den oben bereits gezeigten Nasen

ANAÏS: she's a 9 years and a half female that arrived to our centre 7 months ago with Rosas, Carolina, Loewe and another one. They were left in our centre's door during de night. She was tested and the result was negative. She was spayed. She is the most unsociable but we are sure that with a good family she can improve a lot! She's ok with other cats.

[FONT=&quot]sehr sehr zurückhaltend. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Konnte sie nicht berühren, sie faucht sofort, bleibt aber in der Defensive.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Mit meinem Stift habe ich sie dann vorsichtig berührt, sie hat es über sich ergehen lassen.
Ist verträglich mit anderen.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Würde sich vor Menschen soweit möglich zurückziehen.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Hautproblem am Auge ist wohl in Richtung autoimmunerkrankung zu suchen oder Allergie, sie reagiert gut auf Cortison.
Medikamenteneingabe ist aufgrund ihres Verhaltens mehr als schwer[/FONT]
Reisemöglichkeit für die Argentonas ist immer schwer.
Wenn dann per Flugpaten.

Ansonsten wüsste ich nicht. Daher nehme ich ja bevorzugt auch von dort was mit, wenn ich persönlich unten bin, weil es vermutlich die einzige Chance im Jahr ist.

Wegen Anäis kann ich fragen.