Hilferuf von Mae

Dieser Hilferuf von Mae kam heute zu uns. Bitte hört euch um.....

Hallo my friends,

I need a family for a big Schnauzer of seven years old that is living in a hell. The dog has lived in a house with a family, is sociable and lovely and has not problems with other dogs. He lived with a german dogo.
The owner has had to leave the house with garden and only could take one of the two dogs, so he gave the schnauzer to a friend.

However, the destiny of this dog has been terrible. He lives enchained 24 hours in a country alone. He is all day crying because doesn’t understand the situation. The owner of this country had another dog that has dead some days ago hang with the chain. Also had goats and this person has eaten them.

Is the owner that has contacted with us asking for help when he has known the situation of the dog.
Next Tuesday I will go to see him, and making photos and see the general health. The owner give me the dog at the moment I ask for him.

But you know my situation with 20 dogs, and many cats in the streets and in houses, and I have no job or money. So is very difficult for me. But if there was some possibility, I would help and would prepare the dog for the adoption.

Please, help me with this dog.

Thank’s a lot



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Irgendeiner, ich glaube die Riesenschnauzerhilfe, war mal sehr nett als ich wegen eines Schnauzers in Jerez gefragt habe. Sie haben ihn zwar nicht selber genommen weil nicht gewährleistet werden konnte das er keine MMKs hat, aber sie haben es weitergeleitet und verteilt und ich glaube irgendwie ist er dann auch rausgekommen.
Ich weiß nicht.....da gab es doch immer Probleme wegen dem Überweisen, oder Nicole?

Momentan zeigt jemand Interesse. Mae sieht den Hund ja heute. Sie wird Bilder machen und dann schauen wir weiter. Bei der betreffenden Person hätte er es auf jeden Fall sehr gut;-)